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Bauder Thermoplan FPO Inverted Roof System - Loose Ballasted

Verified by manufacturer 1 month ago

Bauder Ltd Third party certifications:
  • BBA Agrément Certificate

    BBA Agrément Certificate

    Certificate type

  • EPD


    Certificate type

  • CCPI System

    CCPI System

    Certificate type

Loose ballasted, inverted roof, single ply membrane waterproofing system suitable for new build, refurbishment and extensive green roof applications and used primarily on concrete decks.

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Single ply Thermoplan T flexible polyolefin (FPO) inverted single-ply waterproofing roof system, loose laid and ballasted. Bauder Single Ply Thermoplan T Flexible Polyolefin Inverted Roof system is suitable for a variety of applications on both new build and refurbishment projects and can be used in warm, cold and inverted roof scenarios. Can also be used for extensive green roof situations.


 Characteristics of the system

  • Membrane thicknesses available 1.5, 1.8 and 2.0mm.
  • Thermoplan membrane has a pre-coated cross weave polyester reinforcement.
  • Acoustic rain noise solution with thirty party testing laboratory SRL is available from Bauder Technical Dept.
  • Comprehensive range of guarantee packages to fulfil cover requirements for the project (dependant on system/product selection). For more information contact our technical dept for a sample guarantee outlining cover level, terms and conditions.

Verified properties

  • CCPI Verification 0007700025/1025​
  • This systems CCPI mark provides accuracy of data delivering assurance to specifiers. 
  • BBA Certificate 04/4120:
  • Fire classification BROOF(t4) to BS EN 13501-5 tested to TS 1187 test 4 for external fire exposure on defined permutations of product build up.
  • Fire properties – membranes deemed “unrestricted” in certain circumstances as categorised in BBA certificate.
  • Service life > 30 years.
  • EPD Certification: Membranes, Insulations.

General information




Flexible polyolefin (FPO)





2 mm

3.5 mm

Guidance for specification option:

Total thickness for BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V fleece-backed reinforced FPO membrane. 3.5 mm with 2mm fleece

1.5 mm

Manufacturer guidance

BauderTHERMOPLAN membrane comes in 3 unfleecebacked thicknesses and 1 fleecebacked option.

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

Guarantee options could include ‘Product’, ‘Product and Workmanship’ and ‘Product, Workmanship and Design’ Guarantees. All guarantees available for this system are subject to the works being carried out in accordance with the Bauder specification and being installed by a Bauder Approved installer. For full details and further information regarding guarantees and alternative systems please contact your local Bauder Representative or technical@bauder.co.uk.


Ss_30_40_30_79 Single layer sheet inverted roof covering systemsPrimary


J42/120 Inverted roof covering

Product range

Single Ply Systems

Specification data - Single layer sheet inverted roof covering systems



Horizontal work


Manufacturer guidance

Contact Bauder to confirm substrate suitability if required.

Skirtings and vertical work

As 'Horizontal work'.

Separating layer

Not required.

Guidance for specification option:

For Thermoplan T 15 V. Not for use with KSD FBS AVCL.

BauderSYN GV 120 glass fleece protection layer.

Guidance for specification option:

Lightweight glass isolation fleece, loose-laid to provide isolation in-between BauderPIR FA G16 Tapered Insulation and Thermoplan T (unbacked – PVC membrane).

  • Width: 2 m.
  • Length: 100 m.
  • Thickness: 0.75 mm (approximate).
  • Weight: 120 g/m².

Waterproof covering




Guidance for specification option:

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V Fleece-Backed Membrane is a polyester reinforced flexible polyolefin membrane (FPO), an alloy of thermoplastic and rubber. A polyester fleece is laminated to the underside of the membrane in factory conditions. This combination gives high tensile strength, good thermal stability and flexibility.

  • Width: 1.5 m.
  • Length: 20 m.
  • Thickness: 3.5 mm (includes 2 mm fleece).
  • Weight: 2.1 kg/m².
  • Surface: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013).
  • Bottom: Polyester fleece.
  • Reinforcement: pre-coated cross-weave polyester.
  • Tensile strength: ≥1200 N/50 mm.
  • Cold bending test: ≥-30°C.
  • Elongation at break: 19%.

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 12, T 15, T 20 Membrane.

Guidance for specification option:

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 12, T 15, T 20 is a 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, and 2 mm gauge polyester-reinforced, flexible polyolefin membrane (FPO): an alloy of thermoplastic and rubber. This combination gives high tensile strength, good thermal stability and flexibility.

  • Width: 1.5 m.
  • Length: 20 m.
  • Thickness: 1.2 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm.
  • Weight: 1.50 kg/m², 1.80 kg/m², 2.40 kg/m².
  • Surface: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013) - (T 12 - 1.2 mm and T 20 - 2 mm available in pearl white only).
  • Bottom: black.
  • Reinforcement: pre-coated cross-weave polyester.
  • Tensile strength: ≥1200 N/50 mm.
  • Cold bending test: ≥-30°C.
  • Elongation at break: 19% (U20 - 20%).




Bauder JFRI PREMIUM+ Inverted Insulation.

Guidance for specification option:

Insert required thickness, 85–240 mm in 5 mm increments.

Designed specifically for inverted roof applications.

  • Type: High-performance, rigid expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation boards.
  • Facing: Unfaced.
  • Colour: Grey.
  • Nominal weight: 30 kg/m³.
  • Standard board size: 1215 x 1215 mm (including 15 mm rebate).
  • Thermal conductivity: Declared 0.031 W/m·K; design 0.031 W/m·K (may vary, dependent on thickness specified).
  • Design load compressive strength: 0.20 N/mm² with 10% nominal compression.
  • Ozone depletion potential (ODP): Zero.
  • Global warming potential (GWP): <5 kg CO2 Eq./kg.
  • Recyclability: 100%.

Consult manufacturer's literature for further details.

Bauder JFRI PREMIUM (300) Inverted Insulation.

Guidance for specification option:

Insert required thickness, 90–240 mm in 5 mm increments.

Designed specifically for inverted roof applications.

  • Type: High-performance, rigid expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation boards.
  • Facing: Unfaced.
  • Colour: White.
  • Weight: 40 kg/m³.
  • Standard board size: 1215 x 1215 mm (including 15 mm rebate).
  • Thermal conductivity: Declared 0.033 W/m·K; design 0.033–0.035 W/m·K (may vary, dependent on thickness specified and application).
  • Design load compressive strength: 0.30 N/mm² with 10% nominal compression.
  • Ozone depletion potential (ODP): Zero.
  • Global warming potential (GWP): <5 kg CO2 Eq./kg.
  • Recyclability: 100%.

Consult manufacturer's literature for further details.

Bauder XPS (300) Inverted Flatboard.

Guidance for specification option:

A range of flat high-performance, rigid extruded polystyrene insulation boards.

  • Type: high-performance, rigid extruded polystyrene insulation boards.
  • Facing: smooth, self-finished.
  • Density: 30 kg/m³.
  • Standard board size: 1250 x 600 mm.
  • Board thickness: 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm, 140 mm.
  • Thermal conductivity: 30 mm: 0.034 W/m·K; 40–50 mm: 0.035 W/m·K; >50 mm: 0.036 W/m·K.
  • Compressive strength: 0.30 N/mm².
  • Ozone depletion potential (ODP): zero.
  • Global warming potential (GWP): <1 kg CO2 Eq./Kg.

Bauder XPS (500) Inverted Flatboard.

Guidance for specification option:

A range of flat, high-performance, rigid extruded polystyrene insulation boards.

  • Type: high-performance, rigid extruded polystyrene insulation boards.
  • Facing: smooth, self-finished.
  • Density: 35 kg/m³
  • Standard board size: 1250 x 600 mm.
  • Board thickness: 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 70 mm, 80 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm, 140 mm.
  • Thermal conductivity: 40–60 mm: 0.034 W/m·K; >60 mm 0.036 W/m·K.
  • Compressive strength: 0.50 N/mm².
  • Ozone depletion potential (ODP): zero.
  • Global warming potential (GWP): <1 kg CO2 Eq./Kg.

Water control layer


Guidance for specification option:

Supplied as part of the JFRI Inverted Insulation system to minimize water flow through and below the insulation.

  • Width: 3 m.
  • Length: 100 m.
  • Thickness: 0.45 mm.
  • Weight: 0.1 kg/m².
  • Colour: black.

Bauder XPS WFRL.

Guidance for specification option:

Supplied as part of the XPS Inverted Insulation system to minimize water flow through and below the insulation.

  • Width: 3 m.
  • Length: 100 m.
  • Thickness: 0.17 mm.
  • Weight: 0.06 kg/m².
  • Colour: white.

System accessories

Bauder Thermoplan TL FPO Detailing Membrane.

Guidance for specification option:

  • This unreinforced detailing membrane is manufactured from flexible polyolefin membrane (FPO): an alloy of thermoplastic and rubber. This combination provides high elongation, good thermal stability and flexibility. Complex, three-dimensional detailing to curves, pipes or awkward shapes to be formed using Thermoplan unreinforced TL membrane. Otherwise, BauderFPO IE/AE corners must be used at intersections and returns.
  • Available in both membrane colours: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013).
  • Membrane to be either fully bonded using the appropriate Bauder contact adhesive or mechanically fixed according to the construction – refer to the Bauder Single Ply Installation Manual for further guidance.

BauderFPO IE/AE corners.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Pre-formed FPO internal and external corners for use with Thermoplan membrane.
  • These products are designed to dress into 90° corners; they can be warmed and manipulated to fit corners of over and under 90°. If this is not possible, a gusset must be dressed at an internal corner, and a piece of TL unreinforced detailing membrane can be used to an external corner with a ‘thumb print’.
  • Internal (90 x 90 mm) and External (150 x 170 mm) pre-formed corners can be reversed to allow them to be used at other junction points, to ensure that a watertight seal is easy to achieve.
  • Pre-formed corners must be fully heat-welded from the centre outwards, working around each side until the entire patch is welded.
  • Available in both membrane colours: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013).
  • For information, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

BauderFPO VBL 14 Laminated Metal.

Guidance for specification option:

  • 1.4 mm thick. A 0.6 mm-thick, hot-dip galvanized steel plate, laminated on one side with 0.8 mm-thick layer of Thermplan FPO, for use in creating flashings and detailing.
  • Available in both membrane colours: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013).
  • BauderFPO VBL 14 Laminated Metal (1 x 2 m) is supplied in pallet quantities in flat sheet form.
  • Full fixing and installation information can be found in the Single Ply Technical installation Guide.

Bauder Single Ply Lighting Conductor Clips.

Guidance for specification option:

  • A specialist lightning conductor clip, riveted to a Bauder membrane base. These clips are available to suit coated 25 x 3 mm conductor tape. The membrane base is Thermoplan FPO. The base allows the product to be fully bonded to the waterproofing, whilst the clip allows movement of the tape caused by expansion/ contraction.
  • Bauder Lightning conductor - FPO-coated.
  • Available in both membrane colours: silver grey (RAL 7001), pearl white (RAL 1013).

BauderFPO ABL-R 75 / 110 / 160 vertical outlets.

Guidance for specification option:

  • A rigid FPO rainwater outlet, enabling Thermoplan membrane to be welded to the flange plate. UV-stable throughout. The unbacked Thermoplan membrane should be heat-welded up to the aperture to ensure colour consistency on the roof.
  • Rigid FPO base plate in beige: 300 mm (70 DN), 385 mm (100 DN and 150 DN).
  • Rigid FPO spigot length: 300 mm.

Bauder outlets are sized to indicate the actual internal diameter of the spigot. For information on non-standard sizes and refurbishment applications, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

  • BauderFPO ABL-R 75 vertical outlet for 75mm downpipe: Flow rate 4.6 L/s (including leaf guard).
  • BauderFPO ABL-R 110 vertical outlet for 110mm downpipe: Flow rate 5.5 L/s (including leaf guard).
  • BauderFPO ABL-R 160 vertical outlet for 160mm downpipe: Flow rate 6.6 L/s (including leaf guard).

BauderSYN KFK-R UNI universal leaf guard for vertical outlets.

Guidance for specification option:

A universal leaf guard, compatible with Thermoplan Rigid FPO rainwater outlets for preventing debris from blocking the outlet.

  • For outlet spigot dimensions ranging from 60–220 mm. Grip Range Depth: 80–105 mm. This product is UV-stable.
  • Material: polyamide.
  • Colour: black.

This Bauder Leaf Guard is designed to fit into Bauder Rigid FPO rainwater outlets. For information on non-standard sizes and refurbishment applications, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

Bauder Thermoplan Stainless Steel rainwater outlets.

Guidance for specification option:

A high-performance stainless steel outlet, with factory-installed Thermoplan membrane flange. Supplied with an O-ring and a wire ball leaf grill.

  • Stainless steel base plate: 250 x 250 mm.
  • Thermoplan membrane flange: 350 x 350 mm (pearl white).
  • Stainless steel spigot length: 400 mm.

Bauder outlets are sized to indicate the actual internal diameter of the spigot. For information on non-standard sizes and refurbishment applications, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

  • Thermoplan Stainless steel Rainwater Outlet DN 70: flow rate 2.98 L/s (including leaf guard).
  • Thermoplan Stainless steel Rainwater Outlet DN 100: flow rate 3.94 L/s (including leaf guard).
  • Thermoplan Stainless steel Rainwater Outlet DN 150: flow rate 6.76 L/s (including leaf guard).

BauderFPO DSP-R 90 parapet outlet, DN 80 (90mm).

Guidance for specification option:

A rigid FPO parapet rainwater outlet, enabling Thermoplan membrane to be welded to the flange plate. UV-stable throughout. The unbacked Thermoplan membrane should be heat-welded up to the aperture to ensure colour consistency on the roof.

  • Rigid PVC base plate in beige: 280 x 180 x 110 mm (w x h x d).
  • Rigid PVC spigot length: 480 mm.
  • Thermoplan Rigid FPO Rainwater Outlet: flow rate 0.75 L/s.

Bauder outlets are sized to show the internal diameter of the spigot. For information on non-standard sizes and refurbishment applications, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

BauderFPO NLF-R 63 emergency overflow.

Guidance for specification option:

  • An extruded FPO emergency overflow outlet, compatible with Thermoplan membrane.
  • 50 mm diameter through wall overflow outlet, manufactured in pearl white (RAL 1013) colour.
  • Flange dimeter: 300 mm.
  • Spigot length: 480 mm.
  • For information on non-standard sizes and refurbishment applications, please contact Bauder Technical Department.

BauderSOLAR F Photovoltaic Mounting System.

Guidance for specification option:

Bauder Flat roof PV mounting solution for framed solar modules. The mounting units are secured to the roof using a membrane-to-membrane welding technique. This installation method means that the roof is not compromised by penetrations for fixings, nor is it ballasted, which would add additional weight loading to the roof. Specifically designed to be installed on Bauder bituminous or single-ply waterproofing systems and provide a lightweight, low-risk and quick-to-install mounting solution for framed solar modules.

Bauder LiquiFIBRE Detailing Kit.

Guidance for specification option:

Fast-curing waterproofing resin, containing fibre reinforcement that can be used for detailing awkward shapes or inaccessible areas where using LiquiDETAIL is impractical. PMMA-based resin that requires a catalyst and is solvent, isocyanate and halogen-free.

Bauder LiquiDETAIL.

Guidance for specification option:

Cold liquid-applied, fast-curing waterproofing resin that can be used on upstands and details. PMMA-based resin that requires the addition of a catalyst to trigger curing and is solvent, isocyanate and halogen-free.

Bauder rooflights/ glazing/ ventilation.

Guidance for specification option:

All these glazing products are fully compatible with the roof waterproofing systems. Consult Bauder for details and insert requirements.

  • BauderDOME Rooflight.
  • Bauder Euroglaze Rooflight.
  • Bauder Special Modular Rooflight.
  • Bauder Continuous Rooflight.
  • Bauder Walk-on Rooflight.
  • Bauder Direct Glazing.
  • Bauder AOV.
  • Bauder Modular Link Glazing.
  • Bauder Structural Rooflight.
  • Bauder Fire Rated Rooflight.

Hard landscaping/ Ballast.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult Bauder for information.


Sustainability data


Flexible polyolefin (FPO)

Third party certifications


BIM objects


NBS BIM Object Standard

This BIM object has been authored to meet the requirements of the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Find out more about the NBS BIM Object Standard.

Platform Compatible Version




Third party certifications

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

Certification: Thermoplan Membranes 04/4120



Environmental Product Declaration - Bauder Thermoplan

CCPI System

CCPI System

Bauder Thermoplan CCPI


Bauder JFRI PREMIUM (300) Inverted Insulation - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder JFRI PREMIUM (300) Inverted Insulation - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder JFRI PREMIUM+ Inverted Insulation - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder JFRI PREMIUM+ Inverted Insulation - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder JFRI WFRL Membrane - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder JFRI WFRL Membrane - Technical Data Sheet

BauderSYN GV 120 Glass fleece

BauderSYN GV 120 Glass fleece

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V Fleeced-Backed FPO Roofing membrane (Pearl White)

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V Fleeced-Backed FPO Roofing membrane (Pearl White)

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V Fleeced-Backed FPO Roofing membrane (Silver Grey)

BauderTHERMOPLAN T 15 V Fleeced-Backed FPO Roofing membrane (Silver Grey)

Bauder waterproofing systems are now CCPI verified.

Bauder waterproofing systems are now CCPI verified.

Bauder XPS 300 Inverted Insulation Technical Data Sheet

Bauder XPS 300 Inverted Insulation Technical Data Sheet

Bauder XPS WFRL Membrane - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder XPS WFRL Membrane - Technical Data Sheet

Single Ply Membrane Systems - Bauder brochure

Single Ply Membrane Systems - Bauder brochure

New Build Flat Roof Solutions - Bauder brochure

New Build Flat Roof Solutions - Bauder brochure

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