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Bauder Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Rubberized Bitumen Roof Coating System Cold Roof System

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago

Bauder Ltd Product certifications:
  • BBA Agrément Certificate

    BBA Agrément Certificate

    Certificate type

  • EPD


    Certificate type

Hot melt rubberized bitumen cold roof coating system.

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Suitable for a variety of applications on both new build and refurbishment projects, and can be used in cold and inverted roof scenarios.


Hot melt, rubberized bitumen cold roof coating system, suitable for a variety of applications on both new build and refurbishment projects and can be used in cold and inverted roof scenarios.


Bauder Hot Melt Waterproofing is particularly advantageous for protected, inverted, or buried roofs such as green roofs, paved, terraces, podiums, plazas, and car parks. Bauder Hot Melt Waterproofing System can also be specified within Bauder Blue Roof and BioSOLAR situations. 


The solution is primarily used for new build projects, but it can also be used in refurbishment situations that require an inverted roof solution. The system is a favourable option when used on insitu and precast concrete structures. Other suitable deck options are masonry, exterior grade plywood, OSB3, composite timber, cement bonded particle board and flat metal sheet.


Characteristics of the system:

  • Monolithic waterproofing system – no laps
  • 100% bond to deck surface
  • Lasts the lifetime of the roof
  • Safe2Torch complaint detailing on or near combustible construction materials
  • Prominent guarantee packages to meet project needs.
  • System variations available to the specifier so that a tailored solution meets the needs of the building.

Verified properties:


  • CCPI Verification 0007700044/1225: this systems CCPI mark provides accuracy of data delivering assurance to specifiers.
  • BBA Certificate 06/4350
  • Our BBA certified (06/4350) hot melt waterproofing remains the same independent of the choice of insulation or surfacing on the project.
  • Fire testing to BROOF(t4) for external fire exposure on defined permutations of product build up.
  • Suitable for zero falls (no back falls) on the structure.
  • Its durability under normal service conditions will provide a durable waterproofing for the service life of the roof in which it is incorporated.
  • Seamless application provides monolithic waterproofing.
  • Full adhesion to deck restricts lateral water movement.
  • EPD Certification: Bakor 790-11, Bitumen Membranes.

General information





Guidance for specification option:

Rubberised bitumen



Guidance for specification option:




Manufacturer guidance

Minimum dry film thickness 6 mm (2 x 3 mm).

Warranty description


Manufacturer guidance

A comprehensive range of guarantee options are available. Please contact your local Bauder Area Technical Manager for more information.


Ss_30_40_30_40 Liquid-applied cold roof covering systemsPrimary


J31/110 Cold deck roof coating

J31/5 Cold deck roof coating

Product range

Liquid-applied roof covering system - Hot Applied

Specification data - Liquid-applied cold roof covering systems



Horizontal work

Bauder Polymer Primer.

Guidance for specification option:

A synthetic rubber-based primer, designed specifically to enhance the adhesion of Bauder Hot Melt Waterproofing to difficult surfaces and speed up the total time of installation due to its quick drying time.

  • Before application: All surfaces must be dry, clean and free from dust, dirt, oil, grease and loose material including laitance. Smooth metal to be prepared using a wire brush.Any concrete curing surface treatment should be removed – see Bauder guidance on concrete curing.
  • Application method: Bauder Polymer Primer to be spray, brushed, or roller applied uniformly to all surfaces receiving the new waterproofing, avoiding excessive application. Ponding of the primer is not recommended. The primer shall be thoroughly dry before applying the hot melt rubberised bitumen coating. Allow to dry for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Coverage: 4–6 m² per litre, dependent upon substrate porosity.
  • Application temperature: 5–25°C.
  • Drying time: 15–30 minutes.
  • Coats: Fully bond. Allow volatiles to dry off thoroughly between coats.
  • Recoat time if left exposed: Necessary after 24 hours exposure if waterproofing has not yet been applied, to maintain adhesion performance.
  • Caution: Use only outdoors in well ventilated areas or with respiratory apparatus and keep away from all sources of ignition. Take necessary precautions to avoid the solvent vapour from entering the buildings ventilation system.

Manufacturer guidance

Contact manufacturer to confirm substrate suitability if required.

Skirtings and vertical work

As 'Horizontal work'.

Liquid-applied waterproofing



Bakor790-11 Hot Melt Rubberized Bitumen, Cold-applied.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Bakor 790-11 is poured hot onto the deck and spread by a rubber bladed squeegee in two layers, at an average thickness of 3 mm nominal for each layer, sandwiching spun bond Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet, to form a monolithic membrane with nominal 6 mm thickness.
  • Application in two layers increases the membranes crack bridging performance, and it can cope with a wider variety of substrate conditions.
  • The hot semi-liquid form of the Bakor 790-11 enables it to infill and cover every crack and deviation in the deck, to form a very strong 100% bond with the deck. This eliminates the possibility of water being able to track beneath the membrane in the event of mechanical damage. It bonds to sound concrete, brickwork or steel and readily conforms to any surface irregularities, protrusions, corners etc.
  • Bakor 790-11 contains no solvents. There is therefore no curing period; the system is ready immediately to accept whatever surfacing has been specified.
  • It has excellent low-temperature flexibility and bonding characteristics and can be applied in temperatures down to -18°C on to a clean, dry, frost-free surface.


Bauder Neoprene flashing to junctions of different substrate materials.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Bauder Neoprene Reinforcing Sheet is used as a reinforcement within the Bauder Bakor 790-11 monolithic membrane system. Bauder Neoprene Reinforcing Sheet is used as a reinforcement between differing substrate materials e.g. concrete deck and timber/ metal/ calcium silicate upstands.
  • It is installed 75 mm on horizontal and 75 mm vertically between the first and second 3mm layers (minimum) of Bakor 790-11.

It is also used to bridge cracks above 3 mm in concrete decks and to reinforce and waterproof movement joints.

  • Material: Uncured neoprene.
  • Width: 150 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm, 900 mm.
  • Length: 30.48 m.
  • Weight (kg/): 11.36 kg/, 27.73 kg/, 29.55 kg/, 60 kg/.

Bauder Polyester reinforcing to all areas.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet is an unsaturated spun bonded polyester mat for use within Bakor Hot Melt waterproofing systems.
  • Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet is lightly brushed into the first 3 mm layer (minimum) of Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Waterproofing to ensure complete embedment prior to second 3 mm layer (minimum) of Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Waterproofing.
  • Overlaps should be at least 75 mm.

Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet should be encapsulated with 790-11 at the end of the working day.

  • Width: 1.016 m.
  • Length: 182.88 m.
  • Thickness: 0.2 mm.
  • Weight: 9.5 kg/roll.

Surface protection


Guidance for specification option:

Glass reinforced, modified bitumen, sanded surface bituminous membrane, 1.5 mm thick. Used as an access sheet when bedded into the second layer of the Bakor 790-11 hot melt monolithic system.

  • No UV protection, only suitable for applications where it is totally covered; not for exposed roofs. Not for use with green roof systems.
  • Length: 20 m.
  • Thickness: 1.5 mm.
  • Weight: 1.8 kg/m².
  • Surface: Top and bottom: Fine sand.
  • Reinforcement: 60 g/m² glass.
  • Tensile strength: Length 450 N/50mm; transverse 320 N/50mm.
  • Elongation at break: 2.5%.


Guidance for specification option:

Heavy duty SBS elastomeric root resistant bitumen capping sheet, 4.2 mm thick. Used as an access/protection sheet to be rolled into the second layer of Bakor790-11 hot melt rubberised bitumen coating while it is hot, to ensure a full bond. The product features chemically treated bitumen to deliver superior root resistance which has been tested and approved by the FLL. The membrane is reinforced with 250 g/m² spunbond polyester fleece to allow the finished product to cope with structural movement without fracture. For use with green roof systems.

  • Width: 1 m.
  • Length: 7.5 m.
  • Thickness: 4.2 mm.
  • Weight: 5 kg/m².
  • Surface: Top: Green slate mineral chippings; Bottom: Thermofusible polyethylene.
  • Reinforcement: 250 g/m² recycled spunbond polyester.
  • Cold bending test: -36°C.
  • Softening point: >120°C.
  • Tensile strength: Length >1000 N/50mm; transverse >1000 N/50mm.


Guidance for specification option:

AP3 Protection Board is a pre-fabricated board made from a mixture of fibres saturated with at least 75% bitumen. It is completely waterproof and provides superior impact and abrasion resistance. It is ideal for horizontal and vertical applications. Both sides of the product are smooth surfaced covered both sides by a polyethylene film.

The boards should be installed as per specification. Generally loose laid with staggered, sealed 100 mm laps. Laps may need be taped in certain situations using heavy duty bitumen tape.

  • Width: 1 m.
  • Length: 2 m.
  • Thickness: 3.1/ 6.1 mm.
  • Weight: 4.09/ 8.34 kg/board.


Guidance for specification option:

High performance, elastomeric bitumen, mineral finished, capping sheet, 4.2 mm thick. Used as an access/protection sheet to be rolled into the second layer of Bakor790-11 hot melt rubberised bitumen coating while it is hot, to ensure a full bond. Expandable graphite fire retardant is also incorporated to reduce spread of flame when used on exposed flashings and the product is available in a choice of colours. Not for use with green roof systems.

  • Width: 1 m.
  • Length: 7.5 m.
  • Thickness: 4.2 mm.
  • Weight: 5.5 kg/m² (Charcoal Grey); 5 kg/m² (Natural Slate, Brown).
  • Surface: Top mineral chippings.
  • Bottom: Thermofusible polyethylene.
  • Reinforcement: 250 g/m² spunbound polyester.
  • Cold bending test: -30°C.
  • Softening point: >110°C.
  • Tensile strength: length >800 N/50mm; transverse >800 N/50mm.
  • Elongation at break: length >40%; transverse >40%.


Guidance for specification option:

Heavy duty, elastomeric bitumen, mica finished capping sheet, 5 mm thick. Used as an access sheet to be rolled into the second layer of Bakor790-11 hot melt rubberised bitumen coating while it is hot, to ensure a full bond. Its mica finish means that it has no integrated UV protection, therefore only suitable for applications where it will be covered with inverted insulation or hard landscaping such as pavers or promenade tiles. Not for use with green roof systems.

  • Width: 1 m.
  • Length: 5 m.
  • Thickness: 5 mm.
  • Weight: 5.8 kg/m².
  • Surface: Top: Mica; Bottom: Thermofusible polyethylene.
  • Reinforcement: 250 g/m² recycled spunbond polyester.
  • Cold bending test: -30°C.
  • Softening point: >110°C.
  • Tensile strength: Length >800 N/50mm; transverse >800 N/50mm.
  • Elongation at break: Length >40%; transverse >40%.

PYE PV 200 S4.

Guidance for specification option:

High performance, elastomeric bitumen, mica finished capping sheet, 4.2 mm thick. Used as an access sheet to be rolled into the second layer of Bakor790-11 hot melt rubberised bitumen coating while it is hot, to ensure a full bond. Its mica finish means that it has no integrated UV protection, therefore only suitable for applications where it will be covered with hard landscaping such as pavers or promenade tiles. Not for use with green roof systems.

  • Width: 1 m.
  • Length: 10 m.
  • Thickness: 4.2 mm.
  • Weight: 5 kg/m².
  • Surface: Top: Mica; Bottom: Thermofusible polyethylene.
  • Reinforcement: 250 g/m² recycled spunbond polyester.
  • Cold bending test: -25°C.
  • Softening point: >100°C.
  • Tensile strength: Length >800 N/50mm; transverse >800N/50mm.
  • Elongation at break: Length >35%; transverse >35%.

System accessories

Not required.
Bauder Aluminium Termination Bar.

Guidance for specification option:

Natural finish aluminium (25 x 6 mm flat plate) used at upstand details to give protection to the top edge of the waterproofing. Usually covered by a metal/lead counterflashing. It should be restricted to use on upstands where a chase cannot be cut into the wall.

Bauder GRP Termination Bar.

Guidance for specification option:

Black glass reinforced plastic (GRP) alternative to a lead counterflashing for use at upstand details to give protection to the top edge of the waterproofing. It should be restricted to use on upstands where a chase cannot be cut into the wall.

Bauder Hot Melt Compact – Vertical Outlet (DN100).

Guidance for specification option:

A thermally insulated rainwater outlet with vertical spigot designed for use when connecting to conventional gravity drainage systems, giving thermal continuity and excellent flow rate performance.

The high thermal value of the rigid foam body prevents condensation from forming on the underside of the outlet body.

The integrated screw down clamping ring and neoprene gaskets ensure total waterproofing security between the waterproofing system and the outlet.

Manufactured as a one-piece rigid polyurethane (PUR) foam body that forms the integral sump and spigot. It is manufactured with pre cast studs to receive the fasteners of the clamping ring. This ensures full mechanical sealing between the outlet unit and the Hot Melt Waterproofing and Protection Sheet. A tough, but lightweight, polyamide domical leaf grille permits free flow of water, whilst preventing leaf litter or other debris from entering the outlet. This push fit grille is easily removed to allow for maintenance.

A core hole of 250 mm diameter must be cut in the roof deck to accommodate the outlet. In all cases, during installation, the outlet body must be mechanically fixed to the deck. Hot Melt Compact – Insulated Vertical Outlets are suitable for connection to:

  • 110 mm uPVC “O” ring socketed soil grade pipe to BS 4514: 1983.
  • Socketed and socket-less cast iron pipework to BS 416:1973 and EN 887.
  • Socketed pipework will require cold caulking or PVC to cast iron adaptors. Socketless pipework can be connected using an appropriate SML mechanical coupling.
  • PE-HD pipework with appropriate SML mechanical coupling BS EN 12056-3:2000 Flow rates (L/s).

Flow rate figures (where applicable) are based on BS EN 12056:3:2000, typically taken using a 35 mm header of water including leaf grille, which for the Hot Melt Compact – Insulated Vertical Outlet gives a flow rate performance of 6.1 L/s.

BauderSOLAR F Photovoltaic Mounting System.

Guidance for specification option:

Flat roof PV mounting solution for framed solar modules. The mounting units are secured to the roof using a membrane-to-membrane welding technique. This installation method means that the roof is not compromised by penetrations for fixings nor is it ballasted, which would add additional weight loading to the roof. Specifically designed to be installed on Bauder bituminous or single ply waterproofing systems and provide a lightweight, low risk and quick to install mounting solution for framed solar modules.

Note: For cold roofs only, when used with Bakor790-11 Hot Melt Rubberized Bitumen Roof Coating System.

Bauder rooflights/ glazing/ ventilation.

Guidance for specification option:

All these glazing products are fully compatible with the roof waterproofing systems. Consult manufacturer for details and insert requirements.

  • BauderDOME Rooflight.
  • Bauder Euroglaze Rooflight.
  • Bauder Special Modular Rooflight.
  • Bauder Continuous Rooflight.
  • Bauder Walk-on Rooflight.
  • Bauder Direct Glazing.
  • Bauder AOV.
  • Bauder Modular Link Glazing.
  • Bauder Structural Rooflight.
  • Bauder Fire Rated Rooflight.

Landscaping/ Ballast options.

Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer for further details.

Minimum dry film thickness

6 mm (2 x 3 mm).

Sustainability data



Guidance for specification option:

Rubberised bitumen

Product certifications


Product certifications

BBA Agrément Certificate

BBA Agrément Certificate

Certificate: Hot Melt Waterproofing Systems 06/4350



Environmental Product Declaration - Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt System



Environmental Product Declaration - RBM


Bauder Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Rubberised Bitumen - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Bakor 790-11 Hot Melt Rubberised Bitumen - Technical Data Sheet

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Brown)

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Brown)

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Charcoal grey)

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Charcoal grey)

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Grey Slate)

BauderFLEX K4E Roofing membrane (Grey Slate)

Bauder AP1 Access Protection Sheet - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder AP1 Access Protection Sheet - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Hot Melt Compact Vertical Outlet DN100 - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Hot Melt Compact Vertical Outlet DN100 - Technical Data Sheet

BauderPLANT E 42 Root Resistant Roofing Capping Sheet

BauderPLANT E 42 Root Resistant Roofing Capping Sheet

Bauder Polymer Primer - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Polymer Primer - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder Polyester Reinforcement Sheet - Technical Data Sheet

Bauder waterproofing systems are now CCPI verified.

Bauder waterproofing systems are now CCPI verified.

Blue Roof Systems - Bauder Brochure

Blue Roof Systems - Bauder Brochure

Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing - Bauder brochure

Hot Melt Structural Waterproofing - Bauder brochure

New Build Flat Roof Solutions - Bauder brochure

New Build Flat Roof Solutions - Bauder brochure

Case studies

Marischal Square

Marischal Square

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