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Ancon Wall Ties for Channels/ Slots

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Stainless steel wall ties for channels/ slots.

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For cast-in and surface fixed applications.


Stainless steel wall ties for channels/ slots, available for cast-in and surface fixed applications. CE marked.

Features and benefits:

- Ancon 21/18 Omega Channel:

  • High performance.
  • Self-anchoring.
  • Provides restraint to the outer leaf of masonry.
  • 18 mm deep section suitable for use when there is reduced cover to reinforcement and concrete as thin as 75 mm.
  • Available in 100 mm and 3000 mm lengths.
  • Filled with polystyrene to help prevent the ingress of concrete.
  • Nail holes aid the fixing of the slot to timber formwork.

- Ancon 25/14 and 36/8 Channels:

  • Channels are supplied plain-backed for surface fixing.
  • 36/8 channels are only suitable for shear applications. Consult manufacturer for information.

- Ancon 28/15, 38/17 and 40/25 Channels:

Available with or without anchors for cast-in or surface fixing.

- Ancon 30/20 Channels:

Supplied with anchors for casting into concrete.

- Ancon Fastrack:

  • Built into the inner leaf of blockwork ready for to take the suitable tie for the outer leaf, avoiding the dangers of projecting ties.
  • Suitable for cavities from 50–150 mm.
  • Can be used for tying stonework to blockwork.
  • Able to sustain loads which exceed the requirements for a Type 2 tie to PD 6697.

General information




Pr_20_85_84_87 Surface-mounted channelsPrimary


F30/245 Channel/ slot ties

Product range

Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings

Specification data - Surface-mounted channels


Stainless steel.


Guidance for specification option:

Consult manufacturer's literature and insert requirements.


21/18 Omega Channel.

Guidance for specification option:

Cast-in channel.


Guidance for specification option:

Surface fixed channel.


Guidance for specification option:

Available as cast-in or surface fixed channel, insert requirement.

28/15 Fastrack.


Guidance for specification option:

Cast-in channel.

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Manufacturer guidance

Available for lighter or heavier duty applications - consult manufacturer's literature for details.


Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings

Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings

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