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Ancon ST1 Wall Tie - 2D Detail

Verified by manufacturer 2 months ago


Stainless steel, heavy duty, Type 1 wall tie.

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Suitable for connecting two leaves of a cavity wall in all types of buildings, of any height and in any location within the British Isles.


Type 1 wall ties suitable for cavities from 50 to 225 mm. The ties have a series of holes to provide water drips, allowing the ties to be used in both insulated and open cavities.

The ST1 has a measured dynamic stiffness of <113 MN/ m³, meeting the performance requirements of Approved Document E for use in external masonry walls.

General information




Stainless steel


200 mm

225 mm

250 mm

275 mm

300 mm

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Pr_20_85_84_19 Cavity wall tiesPrimary


F30/214 Cavity wall ties

F30/215 Cavity wall ties used with partial fill insulation

F30/220 Wall ties

F30/24 Cavity wall ties

F30/25 Cavity wall ties used with partial fill insulation

F30/26 Wall ties

Product range

Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings

Specification data - Cavity wall ties


Austenitic stainless steel.


200 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

50–75 mm cavities.

225 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

76–100 mm cavities.

250 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

101–125 mm cavities.

275 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

126–150 mm cavities.

300 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

150–175 mm cavities.

325 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

176–200 mm cavities.

350 mm.

Guidance for specification option:

201–225 mm cavities.

Manufacturer guidance

325 and 350 mm: Type 1 performance declared in M2 mortar only.

Sustainability data


Stainless steel

BIM objects


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Platform Compatible Version









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