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Jakoustic® Acoustic Barriers

Verified by manufacturer 28 days ago

Jakoustic Highway Reflective Barrier

Jacksons Fencing Variant:
Third party certifications:
  • ISO 9001 Quality Management

    Certificate type

A range of environmental absorptive and reflective noise barriers.

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0800 408 4757 Website


Jakoustic® Absorptive Noise Barrier is suitable for transport hubs, generators, air conditioning units and goods loading areas, the Jakoustic® Commercial and Highway Noise Barrier is for highways, commercial sites, railways and transport hubs and can be UKCA marked as a whole system, and the Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier is commonly used for residential, commercial and industrial applications.


A range of environmental reflective and absorptive noise barriers, including the Jakoustic® Absorptive Noise Barrier, Jakoustic® Commercial and Highway Noise Barrier and Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier.

Features and benefits:

  • Maximum noise reduction in laboratory conditions: Absorptive 32 dB, Reflective: 28 dB.
  • Easy to install.
  • Can be installed on uneven or sloping ground.
  • All timber is Jakcure® vacuum-pressure-treated softwood guaranteed for 25 years against rot and insect attack.
  • Higher security variants of Jakoustic Reflective are available in designs as tested and approved by UK Government and to LPS 1175
  • Jakoustic® Commercial and Highway can be UKCA marked as a whole system for road noise reduction to the harmonized standard BS EN 14388:2005.

General information








Stainless steel

Mineral wool





4800 mm



Warranty description

25 year


Ss_25_14_08_95 Wood close-boarded fencing systemsPrimary


Q40/170 Acoustic fencing

Q40/30 Proprietary fencing

Q40/430 Proprietary fencing

Product range

Acoustic Barriers

Specification data - Wood close-boarded fencing systems


Category B3 rating BS EN 1794-2:1998, Category A3 rating BS EN 1794-1:1998, BS EN 14388:2005.


Steel 'I' beams.
Steel 'I' beam post, timber clad to ‘rear flange’.

Post foundations

To bolt down to concrete base foundations.


Completely flat face (with no horizontal rails).

Pales or boards

Interlocking V tongue and groove boards 34 x 143 x 4800 mm.

Fence topping


Guidance for specification option:

Security toppings available for all barriers; consult manufacturer and insert requirements.

Not required.

System accessories

Timber capping and counter rail.

Guidance for specification option:

  • Capping: 34 x 145 x 4800 mm.
  • Counter: 34 x 70 x 4800 mm.

Product Options


Wood, stainless steel and mineral rockwool fibre for Jakoustic® Absorptive Noise Barrier and Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier and wood and steel for Jakoustic® Commercial and Highway Noise Barrier.


2000–4000 mm (height) x 4800 mm (width) for the Jakoustic® Absorptive Noise Barrie and Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier and 1800 mm + (height) x 4800 mm (width) for the Jakoustic® Commercial and Highway Noise Barrier.




Safety-glide in-stile operator.

Underground operator.


Guidance for specification option:

Insert requirement, any height.

Finish/ Colour

Manufacturer's standard.

Jakoustic Highway.

Guidance for specification option:

Reflective per Jakoustic Reflective, Absorptive per Jakoustic Absorptive. Hot dip galvanized steel 'I' beam posts as standard forJakoustic® Commercial and Highway Noise Barrier.

Jakoustic Reflective.

Other requirements


Capping and counter rail

Guidance for specification option:

Standard for Jakoustic® Plus Absorptive Barrier and Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier and optional for Jakoustic Highway.

Steel 'I' beam post

Guidance for specification option:

Optional for Jakoustic Reflective/Absorptive and standard for Jakoustic Highway.

Steel 'I' beam post, timber clad to ‘rear flange’

Guidance for specification option:

Optional on any ‘I’ beam system.

Timber tuning fork post

Guidance for specification option:

Standard for Jakoustic Absorptive Barriers and Jakoustic® Reflective Noise Barrier. Additional steel spur support posts required for heights from 2.1–3 m.

Worked finish

Pressure-treated, galvanized.

Noise control

28 dB (maximum) noise reduction.

Sustainability data

Contains Red List materials


Country of material origin

Guidance for specification option:

Europe, South America.

Country of product manufacture

United Kingdom

Third party certifications

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System


Acoustic Fencing and Noise Barriers

Acoustic Fencing and Noise Barriers

Case studies

Acoustic fencing provides noise mitigation for train maintenance depot near Paris

Acoustic fencing provides noise mitigation for train maintenance depot near Paris

Acoustic fencing provides peace and quiet at a redeveloped residential area in London

Acoustic fencing provides peace and quiet at a redeveloped residential area in London

Britain's most wildlife-friendly housing development chooses Jacksons' Acoustic Fencing

Britain's most wildlife-friendly housing development chooses Jacksons' Acoustic Fencing

Jacksons Absorptive acoustic fencing reduces noise impact on local residents for inner city supermarkets

Jacksons Absorptive acoustic fencing reduces noise impact on local residents for inner city supermarkets

Tennis World uses absorptive acoustic barrier to reduce noise for phase 1 of £400,000 investment

Tennis World uses absorptive acoustic barrier to reduce noise for phase 1 of £400,000 investment

Jakoustic Reflective reduces noise for new housing development

Jakoustic Reflective reduces noise for new housing development

Acoustic barrier for Sandwell Aquatics Centre

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