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Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd

Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd

“protecting what matters”

+44 (0)1347 825200 Website

Sustainability overview

Industrial Textiles & Plastics (ITP) Ltd have a well-established commitment to environmental responsibility and our local community. We have developed policies and strategies with key objectives to maintain environmentally friendly working practices and to minimise the environmental impact of our activities.

We perform all operational activities and maximise pollution prevention in a manner that balances environmental considerations, quality, cost-effectiveness and the views of our community, customers, employees, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and other interested parties. We manage every aspect of our business to carry out our environmental responsibilities, meeting and exceed the requirements of legislative and regulatory bodies.

Our management team shares the responsibility for environmental management with all colleagues who in turn all have a responsibility to continually improve our environmental performance.

Our policies and practices are designed to serve a range of key objectives:

  • Raise employee environmental awareness and encourage action in both the workplace and at home.
  • Minimise the impact of raw material use and waste through careful design, contract specification and process control.
  • Minimise emissions through careful design, contract specification and process control.
  • Monitor and minimise energy consumption.
  • Continue landscape and architectural improvements in line with environmental best practice.
  • Engage with communities in advocating and actioning environmental commitments

At the core of our environmental commitment, we have introduced a range of core measures and processes designed to reduce waste and carbon emissions:

  • We minimise waste in production by optimising production runs and raw materials.
  • We separate and recycle production waste where possible.
  • We separate and recycle general waste (eg card board, film, packaging, aluminium, glass, paper) where possible.
  • We convert waste to energy for all production waste that cannot be recycled.
  • We use energy efficient lighting in production facilities and offices.
  • We use electric forklift trucks.
  • We have installed electric charging points for vehicles on site and use electric company cars.
  • We minimise use of packaging.
  • We use packaging made from recycled materials.
  • We optimise packing of pallets to maximise transport efficiency and minimise CO2.

ITP introduced a recycling and waste management programme in the summer of 2022. During the first 12 months of the programme, we manged to recycle 38% of all our production and office waste. The rest was converted from waste to energy, meaning zero waste went to landfill.