Abbey Pynford Contact
Darren Westbrook
Business Development Manager
'Housedeck' is Abbey Pynford's patented piled raft and ground floor foundation solution.
Darren Westbrook
Business Development Manager
Abbey Pynford are a design and build foundation specialist offering patented piled raft foundation solutions for new build residential and commercial developments. Our piled raft foundation solutions are a value engineered alternative to traditional pile and beam or deep trench foundations. Suitable for all forms of construction including masonry, timber frame, reinforced concrete, steel frame or modular.
Our Foundation Solutions :
Benefits of using our foundations:
Floodsafe - CFA Piling & Concrete Raft Foundations
Housedeck - CFA Piling & Concrete Raft Foundations
Treesafe - CFA Piling & Concrete Raft Foundations
Comdeck - CFA Piling & Concrete Raft Foundations
Typical Section - Floodsafe
Typical Section - Comdeck - BSU - 300 mm Slab - Non-Voided
Typical Section - Comdeck - BSU - 300 mm Slab - Voided
Typical Section - HD-Treesafe - BSU - Voided