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Stucanet S HG-BM (Galvanized) Product Data Sheet

Product data sheet

Stucanet S HG-BM (Galvanized) Product Data Sheet

by Bekaert

Bekaert Stucanet® S HG-BM is a purpose designed plaster and render carrier manufactured from a heavy galvanized steel welded wire mesh into which a moisture absorbent sheet of chip paper is interwoven. The chip paper assists with the wet adhesion and curing of the mortar and the perforations allow the mortar to perfectly bond around the steel wires, resulting in firm anchoring of the mortar and high resistance to load and impact. Stucanet® S HG-BM has two parallel, round fixing wires. Stucanet® S HG-BM is used specifically for exterior facade applications. It has the same wire structure as Stucanet® S, but is protected with a breather membrane to prevent moisture penetration whilst still allowing the wall to breathe naturally.

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