Design guide
Design guide
ShieldFLEX Mastic Asphalt is used in 5 categories we have respectively produced ShieldFLEX R used for roofing, ShieldFLEX P for paving, ShieldFLEX Flooring, ShieldFLEX Tanking & ShieldSCREED Mastic Asphalt Screed. ShieldFLEX R, ShieldFLEX P, ShieldFLEX Tanking and its associated products are fully certified and accredited by the British Board of Agrement (BBA). For further information please view our BBA, Certs No. 00/3691. When ShieldFLEX roof waterproofing systems are installed, used and maintained in accordance with the BBA and satisfies all major UK warranty issues. ShieldFLEX Flooring holds in accordance to the British Standard.
Terrazzo Mastic Asphalt Flooring
ShieldFLEX P Mastic Asphalt Paving System
ShieldSCREED Mastic Asphalt Screed
ShieldLIVING Living Roof System
ShieldBLU Blue Roof Drainage System
ShieldSEAL Cold Applied Waterproofing System
ShieldFELT Waterproofing System