Design guide
Design guide
An overview of the products designed available for use in Data Centres. √ Pre-fabricated kits with PICV √ EQM (Equal percentage) PICV √ Modulating actuators √ Insulation shells √ Flexible hoses √ Venturi devices √ Non-return valves √ Large Unions and fittings √ Flushing 3-way ball valve √ DZR ball valve with integrated stariner Filterball® √ Isolation ball valve with integrated Venturi √ Insulation shells √ PT gauges
94 Range PICV - Pressure Independent Control Valve
83 Range PICV - Pressure Independent Control Valve
Dirt Separator Sales Brochure
Technical Data Sheet for Pettinaroli 83 Series PICV
Pettinaroli Evo Magic Dirt Sepaarator 103 - k103-2 rev.02 - Techncial Data Sheet
Pettinaroli Evo Magic Dirt Separator - 102v - k102v-1 - k102v-2 rev.02 - Techcnial Data Sheet