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IKO Permatec Hot Melt In-situ Concrete Decks to Receive Technical Data Sheet

Technical data sheet

IKO Permatec Hot Melt In-situ Concrete Decks to Receive Technical Data Sheet

by AccuRoof

Manufactured in the UK, IKOs PermaTEC is a hot-applied monolithic waterproofing system with excellent environmental credentials and longevity. Suitable for use in most protected membrane roofs (e.g. Inverted or paved roof areas) and structural waterproofing applications PermaTEC is ideal when the deck has no fall. Its lightweight zero waste wrapper dissolves into the compound during the melting process and so eliminates any packaging waste on site. Two main products are available. PermaTEC Ecowrap is a specially formulated combination of refined bitumen, synthetic rubbers, fillers and other additives. Specifically designed for green roofing applications, PermaTEC Anti-Root is the worlds first monolithic root resistant hot melt waterproofing system.

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