Product catalogue
Product catalogue
Browse our Washroom Brochure to browse our range of furniture and washroom products. Built on tried and tested processes over more than 30 years, Bristol Panel Formers is not just a manufacturer, but a complete solution provider in the field of cubicles, washrooms, and bespoke furniture. Our products are suited to a multitude of sectors and industries including, but not limited to, education, healthcare, custodial, retail, sports and leisure and the luxury and hotel industry.
Thrifty MFC Cubicles | Budget - Cost-Effective Cubicles
Vanity for Semi-Countertop Basins - Bespoke Vanity Units
Vanity for Inset Basins - Bespoke Vanity Units
Benches - Washroom/ Changing Room Bench Seating
Anthracite Cubicles | Toilet & Shower - Compact Cubicles
Thrive Cubicles | Children's Cubicles - Childrens' Cubicles
Atmosphere Cubicles | Full Height - Full-Height Cubicles
Bristol Panel Formers Locker Brochure
Duct Access Systems
Pfleiderer Washroom Colour Chart
Polyrey Washroom Colour Chart