Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Garland UK
R-MER CLAD trapezoidal roofing and wall profiles are a cost effective, lightweight and efficient waterproofing system. Suitable for both refurbishment and new build projects, the system can be installed rapidly in either a single skin or as a twin skin insulated build-up. R-MER CLAD panels are available in both forward and reverse profiles and are finished in a wide range of plastisol and polyester colours with colour matching also available. Although typical installed for industrial purposes, the system is increasingly used by architects and building designers for contemporary design in both residential and commercial projects. Other applications of the profiles include tanking houses, capping and coping,
R-MER CLAD Metal Roof
Garland - High Performance Waterproofing Solutions for Modified Bitumen, Cold Applied Liquid Coatings, Maintenance Products and Metal Cladding & Standing Seam
Built Up Roofing Technical Data Sheets - Garland
Liquid Roofing Systems Technical Data Sheets - Garland
StressPly Evolution Modified Bitumen Waterproofing Membrane - Garland