Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Garland UK
StressPly Flex Plus is a high strength, polyester reinforced, SBS modified roofing membrane designed to be used in torching applications. The membrane offers not only high strength and flexibility, but also a high percentage of quality blended Styrene- Butadience-Styrene (SBS) rubber compound. By utilising SBS modifiers we are able to extend the membranes thermal shock resistance, elongation properties and low temperature flexibility.
StressPly® Flex Plus Bitumen System
StressPly® Flex Bitumen Flat Roof
Garland - High Performance Waterproofing Solutions for Modified Bitumen, Cold Applied Liquid Coatings, Maintenance Products and Metal Cladding & Standing Seam
Built Up Roofing Technical Data Sheets - Garland
Liquid Roofing Systems Technical Data Sheets - Garland
StressPly Evolution Modified Bitumen Waterproofing Membrane - Garland