Product catalogue
Product catalogue
Colour, form and texture are the basic tools specifiers have at their disposal to create an attractive façade. Where the specifier requires colours that are outside the technical possibilities of cementitious materials, modern base coat renders in conjunction with high performance synthetic coatings are available to fit the bill with the same durability.
weberend MT panel silicone system - Thincoat Render System
webertherm XP roughcast system (EPS) External Wall Insulation
webertherm XM panel silicone system (MFD)
weberend acrylic system
webertherm XM acrylic system (EPS) External Wall Insulation
webertherm XM acrylic system (MFD) External Wall Insulation
weberend silicone system
webertherm XM silicone system (EPS) External Wall Insulation
Inspiration Guide
Solutions for construction - Introducing Weber
External Wall Insulation for refurbishment
Weber Tile Fixing Solutions