Product catalogue
Product catalogue
by Gradus
Safety & protection systems are a collection of products designed to provide solutions for back-of-house applications such as service areas, loading bays and car parks, in areas where individuals, equipment and buildings are often exposed to vehicular and other wheeled traffic. Protect buildings from damage - avoid and minimise impact damage Protect vehicles and equipment from damage - provide visual and physical barriers to impact - minimise the damage to vehicles if impact occurs Improve pedestrian safety - keep vehicles and pedestrians separate - minimise the risk of accidents
LPW-1260 Lamp Post Protector Kit
CGR119 Rubber Corner Guard
CGCW-890-BY Reflective Corner Guard
Protection Posts
FD-1000 Flexible Protection Posts
Speed Bumps
WGR107D Rubber D-Fender Wall Guard
Gradus Installation Service
The Gradus Knowledge - Stair Safety Series
Lafite Connect Brochure
Gradus Barrier Matting Systems