At a groundbreaking research facility, a single worktop solution covers the whole spectrum
As the fourth oldest university in the UK, the university of Glasgow, founded in 1451, has a long tradition of fostering the talents of scientists and scholars across many disciplines. It has been home to seven nobel laureates as well as world-famous luminaries, including the physicist lord kelvin and adam smith, one of the founding fathers of modern economics. With the arc, its advanced research centre, the university is addressing the research challenges of the 21st century by opening unprecedented, cross-disciplinary perspectives to world-leading scientists.
Andrew Tobin, professor of molecular pharmacology and the arc’s founding director, brings it to the point: “the arc, and the principles behind it, have been a long-term goal of the university. As a name, it encompasses our vision to conduct collaborative, out-of-reach research that has real societal impact. It is so much more than a building. We want to take a shared vision and expertise from across all areas of the university community to genuinely transform the way we do research, with the ultimate aim of changing the lives of the people, community and world around us.”
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