NBS Source
I'm a manufacturer

The responsible company wins


Safety has become a matter of strategic importance to many companies. Not only for the sake of the employees, but also for the company itself. Today’s companies are under scrunity from customers, who want flawless suppliers, and from shareholders who know that reputation management is a creator of long-term value for the company. BROEN-LAB is a specialist in emergency shower systems for companies, where the stakes are high.

Products featured in this case study

View all products (31)
Wall Mounted Handheld Emergency Eyewash

Wall Mounted Handheld Emergency Eyewash

Bench Mounted Emergency Eyewash

Bench Mounted Emergency Eyewash

Wall Mounted Emergency Eyewash

Wall Mounted Emergency Eyewash

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Improve your performance with world-class solutions

Improve your performance with world-class solutions