Fulwith Mill in Harrogate is located in an exclusive upmarket area – so much in fact, in 2019 Fulwith Mill Lane was named by Zoopla as the most expensive road in Yorkshire. For this new build project, Fosroc were asked to specify suitable products for the waterproofing aspect of the basement construction. The main challenges included a high water table, high clay concentration in surrounding area leading to a perched water table, and potential for hydrostatic pressure against the basement construction. Howard Civil Engineering was the main contractor for the project, with Fosroc being selected as materials supplier due to a long standing relationship between the companies, and a number of previous deployments.
Fully bonded Proofex Engage membrane was used on the basement slab, combined with Supercast Watertight Concrete Powder (WCP) to provide a high level of resilience to both water ingress and potential defects. Supercast WCP is a concrete admixture that reduces porosity and permeability, increasing water and corrosion resistance. The vertical elements were cast in Supercast WCP with Proofex 3000, to provide a greater degree of flexibility to enable the contractor to install effectively in the tight spaces around the site, and around the complex shape of the structure. Proofex 3000 is a cold applied, highly flexible waterproof membrane – ideal for application of membrane around intricate building features.
The products specified for this project provided multi-layered and seamless protection to the underground element of this exclusive residence to meet stringent BS8102 Type A waterproofing standards. Proofex Engage provides water, water-vapour and gas protection to water excluding structures such as basements, and protects concrete from aggressive ground salts, chemicals and hydrocarbons. It is supplied with a self-adhesive strip on one side of the roll to provide sealed laps and comes with a range of auxillary products (for this project, Supercast SW20 Hydrophillic Waterstop) to form a complete waterproofing solution and simplify application for the contractor. Its unique mesh system bonds permanently to concrete, remaining in pace even if settlement takes place – the exceptionally high bond strength of Proofex Engage - 2.96kN, sets it apart from the competition, at 70% stronger than the leading chemically bonded membrane.
Supercast SW waterstops
Proofex Engage
Proofex 3000
Supercast WCP - Watertight concrete additive
Crossrail Victoria Dock
Basement waterproofing at Ardley Energy from Waste Plant
Squiggly Bridge
Gowriehill reservoir
Drumhierny Woodland Holiday Lodges
The Moorings, Wales
The Willows, EnerPHit Retrofit
Forensic Laboratory Backweston
One City Park
Waterproofing Retaining Basements on a Sloping Site
The Schwarzman Centre
A Petrochemical facility in China.
Comrie DSR
Afton CWT Case Study
The Schwarzman Centre