In 2021, Middelfart District Heating began work on converting the towns of Strib, Røgle and Vejlby from gas to district heating. To make it more attractive and easy for the consumers, the district heating company made it possible to choose a District Heat-as-a-Service (DHaaS) scheme. This means that instead of paying a large lump sum, residents have their new district heating unit delivered, installed and commissioned - paid through a monthly subscription. This subscription option has contributed to a dramatic increase and interest for new sign-ups.
Danfoss FlatStation 3 Series - Heat Interface Unit
DELTA Heat Pump
Fenagy Heat Pump - Heat Pump
Danfoss FlatStation 7 Series - Heat Interface Unit
Värmebaronen Electric Boiler
Kamstrup Multical
Retrofit HIUs (Ideal for HNES) - Heat Interface Unit
Danfoss FlatStation 4 Series - Cooling Interface Unit
Pressure Independent Thermostatic Radiator Valves Case Study
AirMaster Case Story Norwich Aviation
AirMaster Case Story Southcraig School
AirMaster Case Story Furze Down
Dudley Metropolitan Council HIU install
Kingmaker House
Case Study for HIUs at Morello
Pressure Independent Thermostatic Radiator Valves Case Study
Case Story - Harvesters Way, Edinburgh
RavenResidential Ironworks, Mill Road Case Study
Quayside Extra Care, Totnes - FlatStation Case Story
Agar Grove Camden - Heat Interface Unit Case Story
NIBE Exhaust Air Heat Pumps installed in large apartment complex
Luxury apartments benefit from NIBE Exhaust Air heat pumps
Worsnop House
Hotel replaces oil fueled boilers with air source cascade