In the splendid setting of the Italian countryside outside Siena, a small but highly prominent company produces enamelled tiles, sunshades and handmade terracotta for export to 30 countries all over the world. Ceipo Ceramics [Home - CEIPO CERAMICHE srl] have achieved this through partnerships with world-renowned designers leading to prestigious installations in the Far East, North Africa and Europe.
Ceipo resumes the ancient Tuscan tradition of working with terracotta, using their experience and skill with the objective of producing a unique product, renowned for its quality and beauty.
We at EH Smith are proud to be Ceipo's partner in the UK. Feel free to get in touch with us if you would like to know more about Ceipo's products and how they can be tailored to your project.
Contact EH Smith Architectural Solutions by clicking the button below to find out which products were used in this case study.
Circle Square, Manchester
Islington Square, London
Telegraph Works, London
Portal House, London