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Brill Place, Lina Stores, King's Cross, Londo


The comprehensive tile installation at Lina Stores in King's Cross exemplifies how Terrazzo Tiles combines aesthetic elegance with practical functionality. This project not only enhances the visual appeal of the space but also demonstrates our capability to handle large-scale, high-demand installations that stand the test of time. 

In a significant flooring and worktop overhaul at Lina Stores in King's Cross, Terrazzo Tiles was tasked with installing 1500 square meters of our Birmingham Untamed tiles. This extensive project was not only about achieving a stylish aesthetic but also about ensuring longevity and sustainability in one of London’s most frequented culinary destinations. 

Birmingham Untamed: A Statement in Durability and Design 

The Birmingham Untamed tiles are renowned for their robust and striking appearance. With dimensions of 60cm x 60cm, these tiles were selected to accommodate the heavy foot traffic of the restaurant while providing a sleek, modern look. The versatility of the tiles made them an excellent choice for both flooring and worktop applications, creating a cohesive visual flow throughout the premises. 

Project Execution and Impact 

This installation at Brill Place required precise coordination and execution, given the bustling nature of King's Cross and the operational demands of Lina Stores. The larger tile size facilitated a quicker installation process and fewer grout lines, leading to a cleaner and more streamlined appearance. 

The choice of Birmingham Untamed tiles for this project reflects our commitment to providing high-quality, durable materials that meet the functional needs and aesthetic aspirations of our clients. The tiles' natural resistance to wear and ease of maintenance ensure that they will uphold their pristine condition despite the high traffic and frequent use. 

Sustainability and Performance 

Consistent with our environmental ethos, Birmingham Untamed tiles are made from natural, sustainably sourced materials. Their production process is designed to have a lower environmental impact, aligning with our goals of reducing the ecological footprint of our projects. 



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