Steintec have been committed to reducing the environmental impact for their products for decades and certainly before it became common practice. Steintec's continual innovative research and development resulted in tuffbed 2-Pack Type 35 low carbon bedding mortar (paving) and in the process of obtaining independent corroboration for its low carbon characteristics the EPD process applied by BRE, revealed opportunities for further savings in carbon emissions. Armed with this new knowledge Steintec were able to focus on previously hidden aspects of the supply chain to realise further reductions in carbon impact during manufacture. This has only been possible by partnering with BRE and the application of the EPD process to
EN 15804.
tuffbed 2-Pack, Type 35, Free Draining, Low Carbon Bedding Mortar - BS7533-101 Type 35 bedding mortar
Leicester Square.
Luton Town Centre.
One Tower Bridge
Hull City of Culture 2017
Tamesis 1. Granite entrance area with HGV trafficking.
Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre
Mortar Buoy increases speed and saves money