Thanks to our commitment to sustainability, quality, and service, Plasti-Fab has grown over five decades to have 325 employees in nine locations across North America. We are active contributors to the development of product standards and building codes, listing bodies for sustainable building materials, and industry associations that perform life cycle analyses and environmental declarations.
We are also the only vertically integrated EPS company in North America - from molecules to municipalities. Our parent company, PFB Corporation, manufactures a proprietary resin that, when expanded, has superior material properties. We turn the resin into rigid foam that is supplied to other companies in the PFB family, to be turned into products.
PFB Corporation also operates an in-house technical centre, accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, that regularly tests the properties of our EPS products and components against ASTM and ULC standards. From production through distribution, our relationship to PFB allows us to oversee and deliver on our promise of responsible practices, sustainable products, and a legacy of helping to create lasting communities.