Contego is Latin for “to shield, defend, or protect.” When you apply Contego Firebarrier Intumescent Latex Paint to virtually any substrate you can rest assured that you’ve got the best in fire protection. Whether treating steel beams in a high-rise building or airport or small circuit boards, Contego provides unmatched fire protection and thermal resistance. Contego is the solution… non-toxic, beautifully thin, amazingly affordable, incomparably reliable intumescent paint. Contego makes the world a safer place.
To ensure the quality of Contego intumescent fire barrier paint and its support of global fire resistance standards, Contego is ISO 9001:2015 Registered and ETA 16/0160 Certified.
Contego’s European brand name is CON-RFB. It is the exact same formulation as Contego (HS) Reactive Fire Barrier Intumescent (RFB). Only the name is different.