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Seven Hills Railway Car Park

Seven Hills Railway Car Park

Construction Specialties

To tackle the car park issues, the CS Zip Block (ZB Series) expansion joint cover was selected as part of the solution.
ABN Group Headquarters car park, Leederville Square

ABN Group Headquarters car park, Leederville Square

Markham Global PTY LTD

ABN Group chose a site in Leederville, WA, for a new state-of-the-art headquarters building. This included a multi-level office, ground floor commercial tenancies, end-of trip facilities, and parking for approximately 160 cars.The project demanded high standards for quality, had a construction time frame of 87 weeks, and was to be five-star Green Star rated.These considerations had an impact on the selection of finish for the car park floors, which is where MARKHAM became involved in the project.AQURON 1000 was selected for enhanced concrete curing, permanent sealing, and deep anti-dust hardening.
Permeable Car & Trailer Park

Permeable Car & Trailer Park


Snapper Creek Car Park was developed as an environmentally friendly permeable car park. As such the Atlantis® Turf CellTM and Atlantis® Gravel CellTM systems were chosen, to provide gravel driveways and grass parking areas, thus preventing compaction of the soil and to protect the grass and to stabilize the gravel and provide a permeable car park.The parking areas were divided into car only parking and car & trailer parking.The area, consisting of natural sandy material, was excavated to a depth of 300mm, and a tensar grid was placed into the excavation and the excavated material placed back on top of the tensar grid and compacted.A layer of 100mm of gravel was then place on the areas where the Atlantis® Gravel CellTM modules were to be used and the Atlantis® Gravel cellTM modules positioned thereon and filled with gravel.The Atlantis® Turf CellTM modules were installed and filled with soil and then the area was grass seeded; no turf was used. The project was completed in mid 2014 and was at that stage semi grassed and in use.The project required 4,300sq. m of Atlantis® 52mm drainage cell, which are 480mm x 260mm x 52mm panels and have a rigid interlocking clipping system and are made from recycled polypropylene.In August 2017, the operators of the car park, which is still operating, were contacted and they stated that they were extremely happy with the condition of the car park, even though it has heavy traffic as there is a boat ramp there, and some areas have been flooded by Snapper Creek.The Atlantis® Turf CellTM & Atlantis® Gravel CellTM systems are specifically suited for car parks, access roads, aircraft taxiways and helicopter landing pads as it has the following features:a high load bearing of approximately 4000t/sq. M;protects the root system from compaction, while allow for vigorous horizontal and vertical root growth;permits surface water absorption and infiltration; andhave a long use life.
Silkstone State School Parking Bays

Silkstone State School Parking Bays


APPLICATION: 52mm Drainage Cell.PROJECT LOCATION: Silkstone Qld.PROJECT DETAILS: Parking Bays at the Silkstone Primary School.PROJECT COMPLETION: Sep 2013.Atlantis system saves big old tree.At Silkstone State school Qld. a contentious issue arose. The school required car parking and a sealed one at that. But, in the proposed car park was a huge old tree. The tree could be cut down and the roots dug out or the tree couldbe left, with open soil above the root system to allow for infiltration to keep the tree healthy; but this would lose atleast six car spaces. What was to be done?The answer turned out to be simple – keep the tree, but surround the tree with Atlantis® Gravel Cell™ 52mm cells.Hence while the rest of the car park was sealed, the areaaround the tree was prepared and the 52mm cells werelaid and clipped together there and filled with 10mmgravel. This area was of sufficient size to provide 3 carplaces on each side of the tree and a driveway in frontof the tree, while at the same time allowing rainfall toinfiltrate through the gravel into the root system.Thus we had a win-win situation. Not only was the treesaved, and money saved on not having to remove it, butthe root system of the tree was protected by the GravelCell™ system, and six extra car spaces were created.
Macquarie University Car Park Turf Cell

Macquarie University Car Park Turf Cell


APPLICATION: 52mm Turf CellPROJECT LOCATION: North Ryde NSWPROJECT DETAILS: Macquarie University Permeable Overflow Car ParkPROJECT COMPLETION: March 2017Established in 1964, Macquarie University began as a bold experiment in higher education. Built to break from traditions: to be distinctive, progressive, and to be transformational. Today its pioneering history continues to be a source of inspiration as they celebrate their place among the best and brightest minds.When Macquarie University’s existing cark park became too small for the amount of cars now using it, it was decided to construct an overflow car park. However, not just any car park, but in keeping with their innovative thinking, an environmentally friendly permeable car park. Of course the Atlantis® Turf CellTM system was chosen, so that turf covered parking spaces could be provided.The project required 9,843sq. m of Atlantis® Turf CellTM system, which is constructed from 480mm x 260mm x 52mm panels and has a rigid interlocking clipping system and is made from high quality recycled polypropylene. The project was undertaken by J & G Excavations and Asphalting (NSW) Pty Ltd.The Turf CellTM cells were laid on a bed of permeable soil, and filled with sandy soil and turf was then placed on top of the linked Atlantis® Turf CellTM cells and rolled with a heavy roller to press the roots into the soil in the cells, where they were protected from compaction and could grow freely both horizontally and vertically.The Turf CellTM system is another Atlantis invention, and is specifically suited for car parks, access roads, aircraft taxiways and helicopter landing pads as it has the following features:a high load bearing of approximately 4000t/sq. M;protects the root system of grass from compaction, while allow for vigorous horizontal and vertical root growth;permits surface water absorption and infiltration;has a long use life; andaesthetically, the system allows the grass to fill in completely, creating a lush lawn with an invisible reinforcement structure.
Waterproof Deck Coating Solution for Gawler Place

Waterproof Deck Coating Solution for Gawler Place


The City of Adelaide owned and operated UPark Gawler Place provides locals and visitors with easily accessible parking in the center of Adelaide. Open 7 days a week, the undercover parking facility required an urgent trafficable waterproof deck coatingsolution.Flowcrete Australia was consulted on how the operators could prevent water leakage into the tenancies located below, whilst ensuring the structural integrity of the parking facility was maintained. An added challenge was that the facility needed to remain operational throughout the installation.Deckshield ED Rapide was the ideal solution for the unique challenges at UPark Gawler Place. The hybrid PUMMA system features the Deckshield PDS Membrane which is certified by CSIRO to AS 4654.1.2012 - the system was designed to prevent the water leakage faced by the car park operators.Over 5,500m² of Deckshield ED Rapide was applied throughout the facility. The installation took approximately 2 months to complete, as the applicators were required to approach the project section by section, whilst liaising with traffic management to ensure parking operations were minimally disrupted and the facility remained open to patrons.
Travelodge Mascot, NSW

Travelodge Mascot, NSW

Rondo Building Services Pty Ltd

CBS-A and Composite Industries began construction back in September 2015. The Rondo technical team provided ongoing support on the engineering of blade walls to façade in the main hotel building and car park.
Autohaus Hackert, Germany

Autohaus Hackert, Germany

Guardian Glass (Australia)

The six-storey car dealership opens up to the south and city streets with a fully glazed façade construction. In the evening the building reveals itself as a glass shelf. Inside the showroom, the floors are connected to each other by air spaces, creating a mix of visual relationships.
Parking Expansion Joint Covers in Casino Multi-Storey

Parking Expansion Joint Covers in Casino Multi-Storey

Construction Specialties

For a busy place like The Star casino complex in Sydney, it’s important for visitors and employees alike to be able to come and go from the car park without any hassles. But after a significant amount of wear and tear, The Star’s existing metal expansion joint covers were leaking between floors. Not only that, they were a trip hazard too as the fixings began to dislodge.
West Side Place - Stage 1, Towers 1 & 2

West Side Place - Stage 1, Towers 1 & 2

Bostik Australia Pty Ltd

At Bostik, innovation comes in many forms.Ultraset® 3 in 1 is Bostik Australia's premium timber floor adhesive incorporating Thickness Control™ Spacer Technology, a proprietary feature consisting of recycled, ground-up car tyres mixed throughout the adhesive.When applied, the Thickness Control™ Spacers act like tiny rubber pillars, suspending the timber and maintaining optimal adhesive thickness to ensure superior performance as a moisture and impact sound reduction membrane.For West Side Place, Ultraset® 3 in 1 presented significant time and cost savings vs conventional multi-layer acoustic systems by eliminating the need to install a separate moisture barrier, acoustic underlay and additional layers of adhesive. Efficiencies that flowed directly onto the construction team, supporting trades and ultimately the developer, delivering a high performance solution within budget, ahead of schedule all the while guaranteeing a compliant and comfortable environment.
Supercar, Super Finish - Porsche Showroom Germany

Supercar, Super Finish - Porsche Showroom Germany


Supercar, Super FinishThe new Porsche dealership in central Hamburg provides customers with the high-level comfort, convenience and safety associated with the brand. A striking new complex is being erected in Hamburg city centre, which includes the Porsche Center Hamburg Alstergate, due to open this spring. Hamburg is a leading Porsche stronghold, reputed to have the highest density of Porsche owners in the world, with a 0.8% quota of the city’s car population and nearly 1,000 vehicles a year sold regionally since 2014. Covering almost 8,000m2 of land, the Alstergate plot has over 200 parking spaces, including an underground car park with valet parking service. Attending to the growing Porsche model range, the building will have four new charging points for electric and hybrid vehicles and will be one of the few German competence centres for the 918 Spyder supercar and Carrera GT. Along with the new building, Porsche’s workforce in the region is set to grow to 115 employees.Such a prominent Porsche dealership in northern Germany’s foremost metropolis demands extraordinary standards from the construction and décor contractors entrusted with the project. Applicators Strahl, Reinigungs & Anstrichtechnik of Kiel, with whom Hempel already has long-standing commercial relations, were required to produce the extra smooth surface finishes sought by thedesigners. Furthermore, public safety is an inherent factor that has to be considered in all aspects of construction, so applicators chose to apply Hempacore One as the intermediate coat on ready-primed steelworks, prior to finishing with a topcoat of our Hempathane 87481 enamel.Both Hempacore One 43600 and its fast-drying 43601 version provide up to 120 minutes retardation in the event of fire, a factor of great importance in buildings designed for public access. Significantly on this occasion, Hempacore One does not just offer excellent passive fire protection but also certain additional features of great value to designers and applicators alike. The fact that its full fire retardant properties can be achieved with much lowerlayer thicknesses makes for speedier work and also more natural aesthetics on visible steelwork. Lower layer thickness naturally means less paint consumption, thus allowing project managers to make significant savings.Porsche’s new state-of-the-art centre in Hamburg underlines the company’s values of Tradition & Innovation; Performance & Practicality; Design & Functionality; and Exclusiveness & Social Acceptance and the professional application of Hempel coatings help to uphold and enhance those same values.
Parramatta Leagues Club Carpark

Parramatta Leagues Club Carpark


LOCATIONParramatta, NSW – AustraliaCOLLABORATIONArchitect: HassellBuilder: ADCO ConstructionsBRIEFWhite concrete is notorious for staining and soiling during and after construction. There was also a high likelihood of graffiti strike to the car park in the future. The contractor required protection against graffiti and to keep the form liner moulded architectural concrete looking as new.MATERIAL & APPLICATIONECOCLEAN Porosity SealerECOCLEAN Self-Cleaning CoatingApplication during construction to the top edge, exterior, bottom edge, and internal concrete walling by spray.OUTCOMEThe carpark’s coated concrete has the ECOCLEAN benefits of self-cleaning and anti-carbonation whilst purifying the air it comes in contact with. Overall reducing lifecycle costs.We have visited the site since construction in 2018 and confirm that the coating continues to self-clean even under extreme weather conditions and the construction of the Commbank Stadium next door.
Functional Coatings - Parramatta Leagues Club Carpark

Functional Coatings - Parramatta Leagues Club Carpark


CollaborationArchitects: HassellBuilder: ADCO ConstructionsBrief Protection of the carpark’s white appearance from staining, soiling and future graffiti strikes.Material & ApplicationECOCLEAN Porosity SealerECOCLEAN Self-Cleaning CoatingOutcomeAfter a number of years since application, the car park continues to self-clean and keep its as-new white appearance through the photocatalytic properties of our ECOCLEAN dual coating system. Harmful compounds are continuously broken down when they come into contact with a coated surface in addition to benefiting from graffiti resistance.Testimonial“This is an example of our functional and protective coatings removing the barriers to having white or fair-faced concrete or cladding in building designs. Their self-cleaning, anti-carbonation, anti-fungal, and graffiti resistant properties mean buildings look as good as new, enabling fresher and lighter colours to be more prevalent in our built environment.”Tony Watling, CEO ECOTONE & ECOCLEAN, Australia & New Zealand

Showing 1-13 of 13
