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Rouse Gardens

Rouse Gardens


About the ProjectIn response to unprecedented demand, Rouse Garden is filling the void of modern-day homes close to trains, shops & jobs at the most competitive price on the market. Featuring the diversity of 1, 2 & 3 bedroom homes, there’s something for everyone in the most wondrous apartments to grace Rouse Hill. From floor to ceiling glass walls, timber hardwood flooring in your living room and a private rooftop garden terrace complete with BBQ and lounge areas. The quality of design is worthy of being marvelled at. Living rooms have been purposed to allow seamless indoor and outdoor transitions, blurring the boundaries between inside and out and elevating your home to new heights.ChallengeWhen you are building in one of the premier locations in Norwest Sydney, it’s all about the ding to match the lifestyle your new residents demand from your new community.  Presented with tight detail, the look, the feel and the performance of your build time-lines, and expectations of high quality, Hydraseal were tasked with working on Rouse Gardens. Waterproofing both the internals and roof of the building, the builder demanded warranties to match the project requirements and to deliver a quality finish demanded of this high profile project.To streamline this project, availability of stock and ease of application were key product requirements needed from the project, which Tremco were tasked with delivering.Tremco SolutionVulkem H2 Plus, Vulkem NEM, Tremflex50, Vulkem 951Hydraseal partnered with Tremco for a few reasons, primarily trust built up through a longstanding relationship provided the support necessary for the key for the success in this project.The versatility of Vulkem NEM being able to be used for internal wet areas, in conjunction with Vulkem H2, as well as for outdoor areas under Vulkem 951 NF allowed for fast and consistent application of waterproofing on the project, given the tight time frames, all backed with long warranties to match product performance.The combination of Vulkem NEM, Vulkem 951 NF and Vulkem H2 provided the warranties demanded by the builder which resulted in both Builder, and Applicator very satisfied with the job. 
Commercial Office - 32-41 West Street, Reading

Commercial Office - 32-41 West Street, Reading

Boon Edam Australia Pty Ltd

Reading is a vibrant city that boasts home to some of the largest company UK headquarters such as Microsoft and Pepsico calling this Berkshire county home to their UK head offices. Now, looking to transform the way they work, the retail HQ based in Reading upgraded its large office space to start a new era of work life for its current and future employees. This large refurbishment will see all floors of their existing building being completely reconfigured and re-designed that sees a new cafe/bar and staff gym/studio along with a studio mock shop space and office expansion. Within this project, the interior and exterior were dramatically changed and enhanced utilising fresh entry and security solutions. Contact us to see what we can do for your building. Originally and still currently known in Ireland as Penny’s, these UK headquarters resides in the centre of vibrant Reading. Launching its first clothing store back in 1969, the affordable yet innovative fashion retailer offers shoppers a unique shopping experience with its staple large stores, airy layouts and competitive item pricing. Calling it a ‘workplace of the future’ the new UK HQ spans over 130,000sq ft of redesigned space that homes 580+ employees. The challenge in this project was to unobtrusively implement secured entry solutions that could be stylish in appearance but also provide high-quality functionality. Social Open Space with State-of-the-Art Security With the overall theme being togetherness, collaboration and open workspace, there was a requirement for the building to be secured yet keep the spacious feeling. The challenge in this project was to unobtrusively implement secured entry solutions that could be stylish in appearance but also provide high-quality functionality. The entry solution was to implement a bespoke revolving door, combining a Crystal Tourniket and a framed Tourniket. This customised door benefits from a hidden fully automatic drive in the ceiling that also provides LED down lighting for better user visibility. For security, a bank of tall glass Lifeline Speedlane Swings with a wide-lane setup was specified. Contact us to see what we can do for your building.
ANZAC Memorial

ANZAC Memorial


About the ProjectThe ANZAC Memorial was designed as a sculptural monument, a unique collaboration between Architect Charles Bruce Dellit and sculptor George Rayner Hoff; it is arguably one of the finest examples of the union of architecture and art in Australia.The building is a striking architectural form, symmetrical on both axes. It uses elements reminiscent of traditional Gothic architecture (buttresses, cathedral windows, high ceilings) in the Art Deco style. The Memorial is adorned externally with twenty sculptures representing the units of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). These are the sentinels of the building, keeping watch while representing the fallen to whom the building is dedicated.Bruce Dellit’s vision for the Memorial included a still pool bounded by poplars to the north of the building (included for their significant symbolic association with the battles in France and Belgium), and a cascading fountain to the south.The Hall of Service, at the centre of the Centenary Extension, is a civic space that architecturally and artistically mirrors the Hall of Silence. The Hall was named in acknowledgment of the original Memorial halls and to recognise more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and servicewomen. At the threshold to the space are the words: “NSW Service with and for All Australians”.The ChallengeWhen restoring a National War Monument visited by hundreds of thousands of people, you need to provide the highest quality results and finishes expected of such a significant structure in our history. The challenge here, comes from creating a restoration solution on a building which was designed in the early 1930’s, which will be flexible enough to maintain the architects core design features but also created and executed within a tight time frame in time for ANZAC day. The solution needed to encompass modern technology with traditional design features to ensure the restoration lasts for the next 100 years as a memorial to our fallen heroes.Tremco SolutionTremco worked closely with Sure Seal and Built to provide a solution which was both timely and high quality. the installers long standing relationship with Tremco, a number of unique solutions, together with a 20 year warranty period proved a success.Over 15,000m2 of Tremco products were installed on this historic site. Tremco provided regular iAudit reports on the job site (iAudits is a quality control measure used to ensure the products are being applied consistently to maintain warranty conditions) During regular site visits, Tremco were able to provide a high level of customised Technical information and design advice to ensure the project ran smoothly and to Built’s expectations.
33 Congress Street, Boston

33 Congress Street, Boston

Boon Edam Australia Pty Ltd

The City of Boston is known for many things – from Fenway Park to the Boston Marathon to the bar from Cheers, the city is full of iconic landmarks, events, cultural assets, education centers, and more. The City is also recognised for its vast history, especially downtown, where hundred-year-old buildings have been preserved or restored. There is also a mixture of new property development, including 33 Congress Street, in the heart of the financial district, which combines the best of historical design with new construction. 33 Congress incorporates more than 400,000 square feet of office and retail space, transforming the historic neighborhood and positioning the area as a dynamic downtown destination. The project was designed by Arrowstreet, an award-winning architecture and design firm, and was led by Jason King, AIA, LEED, AP, BD+C, Senior Associate for Arrowstreet. Blending Historical Features with a Modern Design According to King, the 33 Congress Street building consisted of three different structures that were built at separate times: in 1904, 1906, and in 1922 and then all combined into one space. While the space functioned as one building, there were three separate elevator cores, sets of restrooms, sets of stairs, and more. Those entities needed to be reconfigured into one. The most striking feature of 33 Congress is a new, modern glass and steel structure, containing 6 additional floors of office space that sits on top of the original three masonry buildings. Another important project goal was to upgrade the main lobby to a modern design that allowed public access, increased security for building employees, and respected several historical aspects. “We needed a way to get people into the new, main elevator lobby quickly due to the high volume of traffic that we were anticipating would take place after the redesign,” King said. “We also wanted to create an entrance that would create a better flow of entry from the sidewalk into the building.” The original building had an existing revolving door, but it was small and surrounded by stone. “It was dark and uninviting,” King said. “We were creating an open and airy Class A lobby space and wanted visitors to clearly see the ornate, coffered ceiling and experience the grand and historic nature of the lobby as they entered.” Revolving Door and Speed Gates Provide Aesthetics and Function King implemented a Boon Edam Crystal Tourniket manual revolving door to lead visitors in the double height lobby space. The Crystal Tournket is constructed virtually completely from glass with only a few stainless steel accents to ensure the solidity of the revolving door. It fits seamlessly with modern glass facades but can also be a beautiful eye catcher in more traditional or classic designs. For employee access, the building’s previous design did not incorporate turnstiles to the elevator banks. “The building did have card reader access, but only at certain doors and locations,” King said. King installed four lanes of Boon Edam Lifeline Speedlane Swing speed gates and two Winglock Swing model access gates to provide secure employee access to the building’s upper floors. The Lifeline Speedlane Swing speed gate manages and channels the flow of people entering and moving around buildings. It employs sensors that detect visitors approaching, with pulsing light strips to guide the user. A sleep function saves on energy use. It can be customised with dimensional and glass choices, including corporate identity colors or other options, so that it either blends-in or stands-out from its surroundings. The Boon Edam Winglock Swing is constructed from stainless steel and a single glass panel, and is unobtrusive in nature and design. The access gate easily manages bi-directional traffic, with LED lights that signal if the gate is in use or on standby. The access gate ties into a manned security desk located near the front doors. Employees gain access to the building through either the Lifeline turnstiles, or a Winglock Swing access gate, while building visitors can receive credentials at the security desk. King said, “We started the process looking at Boon Edam from a security and an aesthetic standpoint. We went through multiple product options but always had a Boon Edam product as the basis of the design. We have been happy with Boon Edam entrance solutions and we are planning to use them again for future projects.”

Showing 109-112 of 112
