The brand new state-of-the-art $177 million Brisbane International Cruise Terminal was completed in mid-2020 and will serve as a gateway for the Queensland tourism
sector. The 9,300m² terminal was designed by Arkhefield in collaboration with Arup will provide visitors with a world class experience.
The public spaces including the internal walkways, communal areas and departure lounge featured 1,500m² of Flowcoat Terrosso in four bespoke colour combinations.
The decorative resin-based flooring system was chosen to provide a decorative, seamless flooring system that would not only create a luxurious and welcome environment, but withstand the expected foot traffic.
A further 1,200m² of Deckshield ID was applied to the foot bridge, providing passengers with a slip resistant and safe surface as they board or disembark some of the biggest cruise ships in the world.
Tremco CPG Australia’s portfolio of industry leading products provided not just a flooring solution for the world-glass tourism facility. In addition to the Flowcrete
flooring systems, Tremco CPG Australia also provided the structural glazing silicone Proglaze II to a total of 218 glass panels.
Flowcoat Terrosso
Flowcrete Australia Works Wonders at Swinburne University Workshop
Fresh Floor Finish for Orchard Manufacturing
Waterproof Deck Coating Solution for Gawler Place