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"vibration isolation mountings"

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St. Augustine’s  Roman Catholic Church Dundas, ON, Canada

St. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church Dundas, ON, Canada

Mapei Inc.

St. Augustine’s Church is a magnificent Gothic-style church constructed in 1863. It was built to satisfy the needs of a small but ever-expanding congregation in Dundas, Ontario, after a spectacular fire destroyed the church of 1827. To protect the structural integrity of the construction, MAPEI products were used to waterproof the front foyer and provide crack isolation.
Chicago Starbucks Reserve Turns Stair-Climbing Into Unforgettable Experience Using Fire Rated Glass

Chicago Starbucks Reserve Turns Stair-Climbing Into Unforgettable Experience Using Fire Rated Glass


The Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Chicago features an incredible, 4-story mural by local artist Eulojio Ortega. The mural, brilliant for conveying the story as visitors go from floor to floor, is interestingly located in an exit stairwell. Traditionally, stairwells are enclosed in opaque walls, leaving them dark, isolated, and rarely utilized unless in an emergency. To allow the mural to be visible through multiple floors, encourage stair usage and meet fire rated code requirements, the architects redesigned the 2- hour stairwell using transparent, floor-to-ceiling butt-glazed glass walls with the largest tested and listed fire resistive glass panels available.
CSSBI SSF 18-10:
Sheet Steel Products and Pressure Treated Wood

CSSBI SSF 18-10: Sheet Steel Products and Pressure Treated Wood

Trimet Building Products

IntroductionSheet Steel Roong and SidingLightweight Steel FramingIsolate the Steel and Wood ComponentsAvoid Use of Pressure Treated WoodFastenersMany buildings will include wood members in applicationssuch as sill plates, splash boards, strapping, purlins, door orwindow bucks, and posts. In some of these end-uses it is arequirement that the wood be chemically treated (pressuretreated) to extend the service life.Designers and builders need to be aware that changes in theavailable wood perservatives may impact the durability ofany connected steel components or fasteners.Eective January 1, 2004 the Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) banned the use of Chromated CopperArsenate (CCA) as a preservative in treated lumber forresidential construction. This was done in an eort to reducethe use of chromate and arsenic thereby mitigating thepotential health and environmental problems. The woodpreservative industry has been switching to alternativewaterborne compounds including Sodium Borate (SBX),Alkaline Copper Quat (ACQ), Copper Azole (CBA-A and CA-B),and Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate (ACZA).Unfortunately, research has indicated that ACQ, CBA-A, CA-Band ACZA, the new generation copper-based products, aremore corrosive to galvanized steel than the former CCA.Since ACQ is becoming the predominant preservative in use,the discussions in this paper will refer to it exclusively.The purpose of this Fact Sheet is to convey the recommendations of the sheet steel industry for the application of steelproducts with ACQ pressure treated wood.

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