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Kerapoxy® IEG CQ - Water-Cleanable Epoxy Grout

Verified by manufacturer 19 days ago

Mapei Inc. Third party certifications:
  • SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

    SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

    Certificate type

100%-Solids, Industrial-Grade Epoxy Grout

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800 361 9309 Website


▪ For joints between 1/8" and 5/8" (3 and 16 mm) in width

▪ Interior floor, wall and countertop installations

▪ Industrial, commercial and institutional wall/floor installations requiring high strength and stain resistance

▪ Grouting ceramic tile, quarry, pavers, porcelain and natural-stone tile

▪ Grouting heavy-traffic areas, such as subway stations, shopping malls and airports

▪ Grouting installations requiring high acid and chemical resistance, such as commercial kitchens, dairies,

bottling plants, meat processing plants, breweries, bakeries, supermarkets, restaurants, hospitals, schools,

research laboratories and veterinary clinics

▪ High-use wet areas, such as public restrooms, gang showers, steam rooms and health clubs


Kerapoxy IEG CQ is a water-cleanable, 100%-solids, epoxy grout with high chemical and stain resistance. It is a nonshrinking, nonsagging, fast-curing, efflorescence-free grout. Color-coated quartz dramatically improves its cleanability, so that Kerapoxy IEG CQ leaves very little film residue during cleanup of excess grout with a grout float. The color-coated quartz also eliminates pigment bleed, so tiles are not stained during installation. This grout is perfectly suited for use in commercial kitchens, meat packing houses, and any commercial and institutional floors that require daily cleaning with enzymatic cleaners. Kerapoxy IEG CQ is ideal for applications where high-strength, mold- and mildew-resistant grout joints are required. In addition, it has high temperature resistance and can be steam-cleaned.

▪ ISO 13007: Classification RG

▪ ANSI: Exceeds ANSI A118.3 requirements; exceeds ANSI A118.5 physical testing requirements

General information


09 30 00 TilingPrimary

Product range


Specification data - Tiling

Third party certifications

SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

SCS Indoor Advantage™ Gold

Indoor Advantage™ Gold SCS-IAQ-06041


Tile & Stone Installation Systems

Tile & Stone Installation Systems

Kerapoxy® IEG CQ

Kerapoxy® IEG CQ

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