The Merced 2020 Project, an ambitious, $1.2B, extensive expansion of the UC Merced campus, is “the largest public-private partnership social infrastructure project completed in U.S. history,” according to the university’s website. This includes new facilities used for academic, administration, laboratories, housing and recreation. This was truly exciting, and it struck a chord with SAFTI FIRST® because Merced is home to our manufacturing facilities.
GPX® Builders Series Temperature Rise - fire rated glass, fire rated door
SuperLite® II-XL 60 - Fire rated glass, fire rated wall
GPX® Architectural Series - fire rated wall, fire rated opening
Glazing Offers a Fire and Hurricane Rated Solution for US Veterans
Florida Condos Install Fire and Hurricane Rated Glass Wall Assemblies
Fire Rated Glazing Adds Visual Appeal to Parking Garages
Boston Building Protects Property Line with Fire Resistive Curtain Wall
A Nine-Story Lesson in Branding Excellence
New 45 Minute Fire Rated Glass Makes Visual Connectivity Possible, Beautiful and Affordable at Campus Housing
Light-Filled Transit Center Receives Honor with the Help of Fire Resistive Butt-Glazed Glass Walls
The Miracle of 520 West 20th Street